Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Ordering Shrimp

One Saturday evening I went to a beautiful restaurant called Arooga with my family of nine. It was the birthday of one of my cousins. Everyone had already ordered and I was the only one left. I wanted to order shrimp but I didn't know how to pronounce it. I tried anyway. As I tried to say shrimp, it sounded like I said "Trump" instead. Soon after, I was met with laughter. It was so embarrassing.

The waiter understood me and he said it didn’t matter. It happens often. Soon after, I didn't even want to order a drink for fear of repeating the same mistake. There were a lot of people. Imagine a Saturday evening in a beautiful, warm restaurant. But I didn't want to go without a drink so I asked my cousin to do it for me. This night made me reflect on my English. So I now think before I say something in English.


Farah Rejouis - Haiti

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My Evolution in English

In January 2023, my husband and I decided that we had to leave Cape Verde and try to find better support for our son in the USA. Due to his ...